General Information
Sibling(s) already at this School
Religious Information
Under the Data Protection Act, the information on this form is held on computer for school use only. However, the school works closely with Parish Priests; and the name and address of pupils in each parish can be provided to the Parish Priest for his information. You may choose that this information in NOT to be provided. Please indicate below:
Medical Information
Does your child suffer from:
Additional Information
Welsh Language
Parental Responsibility
Explanitory Notes
The children act 1989 which came into force on 14th October 1991, has altered the position of parents and has introduced a new term “parental responsibility” in the words of the Children Act a parent, in relation to a child or young person, includes any person who, although not a parent does have parental responsibility for the child. It also includes a person who has the care of the child. Parental responsibility may be held by a number of people at any time:
Persons who have parental responsibility automatically are:
The child's natural mother.
The child's natural father, but only if the mother and father were married before the child was born.
Other people can attain parental responsibility under one of the following methods:
a) unmarried father gains parental responsibility:
i. Upon marrying the mother
ii. By completing a parental responsibility agreement, obtained from Court Office and to be completed by both the mother and father.
iii. By obtaining a Court Order giving the father parental responsibility
b) a person who, appointed by the Court or the parent as a guardian for the child, gains parental responsibility.
c) where the Court orders that the child shall reside with a named person, that person gains parental responsibility.
d) adoptive parents of an adopted child have parental responsibility.
Schools are required to keep, on the admission register, details for each child of every parent, or person with parental responsibility details of the person with parental responsibility of the child, and at least one telephone number where on of those persons can be contacted in the case of an emergency.
Persons with Parental Responsibility
Should an emergency occur at school, it is sometimes necessary to contact a parent/guardian during the daytime.
Please indicate below where each parent/guardian may be contacted during school hours.
If the nature of your occupation makes daytime contact difficult, please give the name, relationship, telephone number and location of up to two persons who may be reached in the event of an emergency to act on your behalf.