Maximise Your Potential
The webinar will take place on Wednesday the 12th of March from 6.00-7.00. Registration is simple, just follow the link below:
The webinar will take place on Wednesday the 12th of March from 6.00-7.00. Registration is simple, just follow the link below:
We will be hosting our Year 11 Parents Evening on Thursday 16th of January.
The Year 11 Study Zone is launched on Monday, 18th of November.
Family transition service across North Wales to support young people with learning disabilities 14-25. If interested, please see the ALN page on this website.
For all school staff, healthcare professionals, families and young people with Type 1 diabetes.
Dear Parents and Guardians of our Year 8 students,
Year 8 Parents Evening has been scheduled for Thursday the 18th of April. This will be an opportunity for you to come into school and have a five-minute appointment with the subject teachers to discuss progress and attitude to learning. To help schedule the appointments please book your time slots for each teacher using the link below:
If you need any help with the booking system, then please contact our school reception and we will help you.
We look forward to seeing you.
With kind regards,
Mrs Walsh
Assistant Headteacher
I would like to invite you to attend our Parents’ Evening on Thursday 14th March 2024.
Appointments will be face-to-face and as we work in partnership we alternate the venue each year. As a result of this the evening will take place at Flint High School this year, teachers from both schools will be there to conduct their appointments. Appointments can be booked from 4pm until 6.45pm with your child’s subject teachers.
Appointments with staff who teach at Flint High School
Flint High School uses a new intuitive and easy to use online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments.
Appointments can be made from Wednesday 6th March and will close on Thursday 14th March at 2pm, they will be 5 minutes in length.
Please visit to book your appointments.
A guide can also be found on our school website in the ‘Parents and carers’ tab.
Login with the following information:
· Your child’s forename
· Your child’s surname
· Your child’s date of birth
Appointments with staff who teach at St Richard Gwyn Catholic High School
The booking link is attached below. Please add the staff member that you would like to meet with, a time slot and your details before booking.
Mrs Tracy Jones and Miss Sam Harbour (Head of 6th form), Mrs Anna Smith (6th form supervisor and Y13 form tutor) and Mrs Vicky Jones (6th form learning coach and Y12 for tutor) will also be available on the evening if you wish to discuss any pastoral/study support matters.
If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the school and we will be happy to add appointments on your behalf.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school reception.
Year 10 and 11 Parent Workshop
I would like to invite you to our Year 9 Parents Evening. This will take place on Thursday 29th February between 4.00 and 6.30. It will be a face-to-face meeting at St Richard Gwyn, and you will have the opportunity to book a five-minute appointment with your child's subject teachers. To enable you to manage your appointment times booking can be made using the link below:
If you need any assistance booking your appointments please do not hesitate to contact our school reception and we can help you.
We look forward to seeing you,
Kind regards,
Mrs Walsh
Assistant Headteacher